
\ \




\ \

\ \

<兑换『神兽』/@神兜兜>     <ItemShow:1655:1:1:-15:1>   <ItemShow:1656:1:1:-15:1>   <ItemShow:1604:1:1:-15:1>  \

\ \





CheckItem  神兜兜 99


take 神兜兜 99

;give 摄魂珠 1

GiveStateItem 摄魂珠 1 1 0 0 1 1 0


ChangeItemName -1 范式之魂『神兽』


SetCustomItemAbil -1 1 0 250

SetCustomItemAbil -1 1 1 17

SetCustomItemAbil -1 1 2 1

SetCustomItemAbil -1 1 3 0

SetCustomItemValue -1 1 = 4000


SetCustomItemAbil -1 2 0 250

SetCustomItemAbil -1 2 1 18

SetCustomItemAbil -1 2 2 2

SetCustomItemAbil -1 2 3 0

SetCustomItemValue -1 2 = 2500


SetCustomItemAbil -1 3 0 250

SetCustomItemAbil -1 3 1 15

SetCustomItemAbil -1 3 2 3

SetCustomItemAbil -1 3 3 0

SetCustomItemValue -1 3 = 2500


SetCustomItemAbil -1 4 0 250

SetCustomItemAbil -1 4 1 16

SetCustomItemAbil -1 4 2 4

SetCustomItemAbil -1 4 3 0

SetCustomItemValue -1 4 = 2500


SetCustomItemAbil -1 5 0 151

SetCustomItemAbil -1 5 1 19

SetCustomItemAbil -1 5 2 5

SetCustomItemAbil -1 5 3 0

SetCustomItemValue -1 5 = 10


SetCustomItemAbil -1 6 0 151

SetCustomItemAbil -1 6 1 20

SetCustomItemAbil -1 6 2 6

SetCustomItemAbil -1 6 3 0

SetCustomItemValue -1 6 = 500


SetCustomItemAbil -1 7 0 151

SetCustomItemAbil -1 7 1 21

SetCustomItemAbil -1 7 2 7

SetCustomItemAbil -1 7 3 0

SetCustomItemValue -1 7 = 10


SetCustomItemAbil -1 8 0 151

SetCustomItemAbil -1 8 1 22

SetCustomItemAbil -1 8 2 8

SetCustomItemAbil -1 8 3 0

SetCustomItemValue -1 8 = 10


SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 0 0 1

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 0 2 245

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 0 3 0

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 0 4 0

SetCustomItemProgressbarValue -1 0 3 = 0

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 0 1 宠物等级:%i级/60级

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 1 0 1

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 1 2 250

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 1 3 15

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 1 4 1

SetCustomItemProgressbarValue -1 1 0 = 100

SetCustomItemProgressbarValue -1 0 1 = 1

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 1 1 升级经验:


updateitem -1


SENDMSG 1   长江黄河般的艰难险阻在大侠{[<$USERNAME>]/SCOLOR=250}面前都不值得一提,{[<$USERNAME>]/SCOLOR=254}竟然集齐了99个‘神兜兜’,把一只{[范式之魂『神兽』]/SCOLOR=252}给骗走了。



CheckItem  神兜兜 99


take 神兜兜 99

;give 摄魂珠 1

GiveStateItem 摄魂珠 1 1 0 0 1 1 0


ChangeItemName -1 鬼王『神兽』


SetCustomItemAbil -1 1 0 250

SetCustomItemAbil -1 1 1 17

SetCustomItemAbil -1 1 2 1

SetCustomItemAbil -1 1 3 0

SetCustomItemValue -1 1 = 3000


SetCustomItemAbil -1 2 0 250

SetCustomItemAbil -1 2 1 18

SetCustomItemAbil -1 2 2 2

SetCustomItemAbil -1 2 3 0

SetCustomItemValue -1 2 = 2200


SetCustomItemAbil -1 3 0 250

SetCustomItemAbil -1 3 1 15

SetCustomItemAbil -1 3 2 3

SetCustomItemAbil -1 3 3 0

SetCustomItemValue -1 3 = 2200


SetCustomItemAbil -1 4 0 250

SetCustomItemAbil -1 4 1 16

SetCustomItemAbil -1 4 2 4

SetCustomItemAbil -1 4 3 0

SetCustomItemValue -1 4 = 2200


SetCustomItemAbil -1 5 0 151

SetCustomItemAbil -1 5 1 19

SetCustomItemAbil -1 5 2 5

SetCustomItemAbil -1 5 3 0

SetCustomItemValue -1 5 = 10


SetCustomItemAbil -1 6 0 151

SetCustomItemAbil -1 6 1 20

SetCustomItemAbil -1 6 2 6

SetCustomItemAbil -1 6 3 0

SetCustomItemValue -1 6 = 500


SetCustomItemAbil -1 7 0 151

SetCustomItemAbil -1 7 1 21

SetCustomItemAbil -1 7 2 7

SetCustomItemAbil -1 7 3 0

SetCustomItemValue -1 7 = 10


SetCustomItemAbil -1 8 0 151

SetCustomItemAbil -1 8 1 22

SetCustomItemAbil -1 8 2 8

SetCustomItemAbil -1 8 3 0

SetCustomItemValue -1 8 = 10


SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 0 0 1

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 0 2 245

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 0 3 0

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 0 4 0

SetCustomItemProgressbarValue -1 0 3 = 0

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 0 1 宠物等级:%i级/60级

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 1 0 1

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 1 2 250

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 1 3 15

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 1 4 1

SetCustomItemProgressbarValue -1 1 0 = 100

SetCustomItemProgressbarValue -1 0 1 = 1

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 1 1 升级经验:


updateitem -1


SENDMSG 1  长江黄河般的艰难险阻在大侠{[<$USERNAME>]/SCOLOR=250}面前都不值得一提,{[<$USERNAME>]/SCOLOR=254}竟然集齐了99个‘神兜兜’,把一只{[鬼王『神兽』』]/SCOLOR=252}给骗走了。



CheckItem  神兜兜 99


take 神兜兜 99

;give 摄魂珠 1

GiveStateItem 摄魂珠 1 1 0 0 1 1 0


ChangeItemName -1 云锤叟『神兽』


SetCustomItemAbil -1 1 0 250

SetCustomItemAbil -1 1 1 17

SetCustomItemAbil -1 1 2 1

SetCustomItemAbil -1 1 3 0

SetCustomItemValue -1 1 = 5000


SetCustomItemAbil -1 2 0 250

SetCustomItemAbil -1 2 1 18

SetCustomItemAbil -1 2 2 2

SetCustomItemAbil -1 2 3 0

SetCustomItemValue -1 2 = 2000


SetCustomItemAbil -1 3 0 250

SetCustomItemAbil -1 3 1 15

SetCustomItemAbil -1 3 2 3

SetCustomItemAbil -1 3 3 0

SetCustomItemValue -1 3 = 2000


SetCustomItemAbil -1 4 0 250

SetCustomItemAbil -1 4 1 16

SetCustomItemAbil -1 4 2 4

SetCustomItemAbil -1 4 3 0

SetCustomItemValue -1 4 = 2000


SetCustomItemAbil -1 5 0 151

SetCustomItemAbil -1 5 1 19

SetCustomItemAbil -1 5 2 5

SetCustomItemAbil -1 5 3 0

SetCustomItemValue -1 5 = 10


SetCustomItemAbil -1 6 0 151

SetCustomItemAbil -1 6 1 20

SetCustomItemAbil -1 6 2 6

SetCustomItemAbil -1 6 3 0

SetCustomItemValue -1 6 = 500


SetCustomItemAbil -1 7 0 151

SetCustomItemAbil -1 7 1 21

SetCustomItemAbil -1 7 2 7

SetCustomItemAbil -1 7 3 0

SetCustomItemValue -1 7 = 10


SetCustomItemAbil -1 8 0 151

SetCustomItemAbil -1 8 1 22

SetCustomItemAbil -1 8 2 8

SetCustomItemAbil -1 8 3 0

SetCustomItemValue -1 8 = 10


SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 0 0 1

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 0 2 245

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 0 3 0

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 0 4 0

SetCustomItemProgressbarValue -1 0 3 = 0

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 0 1 宠物等级:%i级/60级

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 1 0 1

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 1 2 250

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 1 3 15

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 1 4 1

SetCustomItemProgressbarValue -1 1 0 = 100

SetCustomItemProgressbarValue -1 0 1 = 1

SetCustomItemProgressbar -1 1 1 升级经验:


updateitem -1


SENDMSG 1   长江黄河般的艰难险阻在大侠{[<$USERNAME>]/SCOLOR=250}面前都不值得一提,{[<$USERNAME>]/SCOLOR=254}竟然集齐了99个‘神兜兜’,把一只{[云锤叟『神兽』]/SCOLOR=252}给骗走了。


MESSAGEBOX 兑换失败,需要99个神兜兜。



All resources come from the network, this site does not participate in any dump or hack activities, if there is any violation of your rights, please provide relevant proof and email hljlife@vip.qq.com, I will promptly delete it.


